Nature & Personality Of Planet Rahu
Rahu is a planet of illusions,shadow, fakeness, deceit, show off, false ego, visualisation, internet, media, online business, hidden sorrows & sufferings,telepathic communication, affairs, false allegations, tricky things, lawyers,stock market things, lottery, sudden ups & downs, occult, tantra, scientist, research, hidden talents & knowledge, different case & religion, foreign language etc. Rahu is maya and obsession. Rahu is never ending desires. Rahu is greed.
What Are the Interesting Facts About Rahu?
- Rahu is a karka of online business.So, in order to get success in your online works/business, you must have an active & favourable rahu in your horoscope.
- Rahu gives good results in the house of 3rd,6th, 10th and 11th house. According to me, 11th house is the best for Rahu placement.
- Rahu is in 1st, 5th or 9th house with(conjunction) 1st, 5th or 9th lord can form a powerful raja yoga. It’s specially applicable to taurus, libra, capricorn and aquarius rising people.
- Favourable rahu in your horoscope with strong 8th & 11th house can give a chance to win Lottery in your life. Timing depends upon your Mahadasha, antradasha and transit.
- Rahu is in 11th house gives good gains & income if 11th lord is also powerful.
- Mahadasha of Rahu can give a chances to travel in foreign countries or distant places.
- Rahu is in 6th house helps to beat competition, enemies, obstacles and diseases but a person may face some issues time to time.
- Today is the era of Technology and Technology is ruled by planet Rahu.
- Rahu’s numerology number is 4. Most of the successful online ventures are related to no 4.
- Sometimes, it’s difficult to predict the Mahadasha of Rahu because it gives results as per our past birth karmic cycles and who knows our ‘Past Karmic Cycles’? That’s why it’s difficult to predict what will rahu give…
- An active rahu in your horoscope makes you cunning, smart and tricky in nature. A person is smart enough to deal with external factors.
- Bad rahu in your horoscope can give indifferent health problems meaning that are difficult to diagnose or sometimes, it’s only give veham of diseases but person is fit & fine.
- As per some sources, Rahu is also related to in laws.
- Whenever, rahu is in your 7th house or with 7th house lord it shows inter caste/religion marriage, different cultures/tastes/thoughts or your spouse may be NRI.
- Rahu is also related to foreign languages.
- Rahu always give results as per his house and sign of that house and planets sitting with Rahu.
- Rahu always amplify the results of the planets that are sitting with Rahu.
- Badly placed rahu is your kundali like rahu is with venus, rahu with mars, rahu is with sun etc shows cheating, losses, some kind of sufferings in life depending upon your whole horoscope.
- But, Don’t worry, Rahu too have both good as well as bad sides :).
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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at