12th house is the house of losses, endings, expenses, isolation, expenditure, foreign lands, stress, sleep, sex life, secrets, loss of energy, etc that’s why planets are not considered good in the 12th house. But, it’s not always true. Planets like venus can do well in the 12th house. Ketu is also good in the 12th house.
Yes, it’s better to have an empty 12th house as the 12th house is the malefic house. Only venus or Ketu are good in the 12th house. If your 12th lord is in the 12th house then it’s also fine :).
If you have any good house lord is in 12th house then it may cause troubles and struggles related to those house significance. Every planet and house has two sides :). For example, if you are Leo Rising and your 5th house & 8th house lord ( Jupiter ) is in the 12th house then it’s good for the significance of 8th house but not for 5th house. It’s good for 8th and 12th house-related things but not at all good for 5th house. 5th house is the house of love, education, skills, luck, and knowledge, etc. So, 5th lord in the 12th house shows loss of love/breakups, some small break-in education but can go foreign for education purpose, child-related issues, etc. 8th lord in the 12th ( Jupiter) house shows Vipreet Raja Yoga. A person may have a great interest in occult and spiritual things. He/she may get great in-laws family and inheritance wealth too. So, when 6th, 8th or 12th house lord is in 12th house then it may not at all bad :).
On the other hand, Jupiter is in the 12th house of cancer shows spirituality, charitable, kindness, expenses on good deeds, higher-level knowledge, psychic abilities, etc but a person might not get financial benefits from all this. He/she might do all these things in the form of charity or accept money in the form of Dakshina etc. A person might be highly spiritual.
And, if you have Venus in the 12th house then a person might do expenditures on luxury, comforts and royal things. 🙂 Ketu in 12th house shows spirituality and generally good placement for Ketu.
Rest, all other planets are not favourable for 12th house :).
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