The answer to your question is ‘No’. Retrograde 7th house lord has nothing to do with 2 marriages. Retrograde planets are more strong and close to the earth. The concept of retrograde is still unclear in Vedic astrology. Still, I would like to share opinions on retrograde planets.
For marriage, you just need to see 7th house, its lord placement, 2nd house, 4th house, 8th house, and 12th house. Marriage karakas venus in case of a male and Jupiter & mars in case of a female. Ultimate karaka for marriage is Venus in both cases. Rest, you need to check Navamasha’s chart and present mahadasha and Antara Dasha for overall marriage life predictions.
Does a retrograde 7th lord indicate two marriages?
- Retrograde planets or 7th lord retrograde has nothing to do with 2 marriages.
- Retrograde planets are more strong than direct planets because they are closer to earth.
- A benefic retrograde planet will become more benefic but a malefic retrograde planet will become more malefic. e.g if Jupiter is retrograde then its benefic qualities will be increase. If Saturn is retrograde then its malefic qualities will be increase.
- Retrograde planets are not easy to predict.
- Retrograde planets have extraordinary qualities but a native might not know about it.
- 7th lord retrograde can cause a delay in marriage or some indifferent tastes, preferences between couples.
- Retrograde planets can cause sudden events in your life.
- If your 7th house lord is retrograde, Venus is retrograde or Jupiter is retrograde then it can also cause sudden marriage. ( Conditions applied ).
- Retrograde planets need more research as people have different opinions.
- Overall predictions depend upon your whole kundali.
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