What does it mean to have the 4th lord in the 2nd house? Read here
The 4th house is related to mother, mental peace, home, comforts, vehicles, sukh bhav, father in law, hometown, etc The 2nd house related to assets, speech, eating habits,...
Honesty Above Everything
The 4th house is related to mother, mental peace, home, comforts, vehicles, sukh bhav, father in law, hometown, etc The 2nd house related to assets, speech, eating habits,...
Awesome conjunction! Yes, it’s good for romance, luxury, comforts, travel, expenses on high end products. A person can also settle abroad during moon or venus mahadasha. Life will...
The 7th house is all about marriage, partnership, business, travel, life partner, looks, personality of life partner. sex life etc The 12th house is all about expenses, foreign...
Ways to alleviate the effects of Venus-Ketu Conjunction- Vastu Tip For Instant Money Click Here To See The Vastu Yantra pyramid removes the blockage of 70 to 80%...
Moon and Jupiter in the 5th house of Libra Ascendant Means- A native can do well in creative field, arts, self work but some issues in career initially....
For Pisces ascendant, Mars is 2nd and 9th house lord. Mercury is 4th house and 7th house lord. Now, all depends upon the mercury and mars placement. Generally,...
The 6th house is a house of obstacles, hurdles, services, debts, health issues, doctors, patients, NGOs, health workers, separation, lawyers, job, enemies, competition,day to day life work. When...
Negative Sides Of Rahu- Remedy To Increase Wealth Click Here To Check It generates Prana (प्राण) Energy which means Life Force or Chi Energy Re-invented by Dr.Reich using...
The 5th house is all about creativity, past life deeds, children, love life, graduation, luck, hobbies, entertainment, games, share market, gambling, etc. Venus in 5th house means- A...
Venus in the 8th house- The 8th house is linked to transformation, life span,changes, sudden ups and downs, occult, Research, detective work, in laws, sudden wealth, inheritance, insurance,...