How can I increase the power of Venus planet in my life, given that my Venus is very weak?

Venus is the planet of love, romance, comforts, marriage, wife, happiness, luxury items, entertainment, food, diamonds, wealth, beauty, attraction, arts, creativity, beautiful home & vehicles, sex, passion, etc.

Venus owns two 2 signs- taurus and libra. In kaalpurush chart, venus owns two houses- 2nd house and 7th house.

Venus gets debilitated in the sign of Virgo. It becomes weak in the 6th house or when venus is with Rahu, Ketu, close conjunction with the sun, mars, etc. It also becomes weak when it’s weak in degree & enemy sign.

When Venus is weak or affiliated in your kundali then you might face troubles related to marriage, money, happiness, comforts, luxury, home, skin issues, passion, etc. The native might not get good comforts, luxury, good home, happiness, spouse issues, problems in getting married, failure of a relationship, separation, etc.

How can I increase the power of Venus planet in my life, given that my Venus is very weak?

  1. Venus is the significator of a female. So, do respect all girls, females and your mother & grandmother always. Do serve them with good food and gifts too.
  2. One of the best remedies to improve your venus is ‘ Do Kanya Daan Of Any Poor Female’.
  3. Keep yourself neat & clean and wear clean clothes daily. Have a bath daily.
  4. Use a good perfume daily. It would also improve the power of your venus.
  5. Do pooja of Luxmi Maa especially every Friday.
  6. Make a kheer on every Friday. Do kheer bog to Goddess Luxmi ji and then eat it with all of your family members.
  7. Never hurt any female or disrespect her.
  8. Bedsheets of your rooms should be neat and clean don’t use rough or torn sheets it will make your venus weak.
  9. Another effective remedy for venus is to be faithful to your Lover or Spouse.
  10. You can prefer to wear white color clothes. White color is the color of venus.
  11. Reciting SriSuktam regularly is an excellent remedy for weak Venus.
  12. Offer food to cows, birds and dogs.

Also read:- Best Houses For Planet Venus

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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