How Can You Earn From Quora Partner Program?

Quora partner program is a program where quora invites genuine, active or popular authors of quora to ask interesting & useful questions on Quora. In return, Quora pays money to those users/authors for asking questions. Yes, here you will get money for asking a question ;). Interesting na?

Your earnings depends upon the number of people answered and the traffic and ad-impressions placed on each question. One needs to as unique and interesting questions that are not asked before by anyone.

How Does Quora Partner Program Work?

Well, i will say its like a luck chance type thing because Quora bots invites randomly based upon your profile, question & answers, popularity, intelligence, followers. But, if you want to be a partner of QPP then be an active & useful writer of quora then there would be chances of getting an invitation from Quora team for Quora Partners Program.

Your earnings depends upon the niche of your question, traffic source, traffic countries and quora digest traffic.

Payment Of Quora Partner Program

Payments are made via Stripe for U.S. residents and PayPal for those outside of the U.S.who live in eligible countries.

There is a no limits on questions. So, you can ask multiple questions. According to the Quora Partner program, the more question you ask, the more money you will make. But,don’t spam it πŸ™‚ Otherwise, your quality may reduce.

In simple words, you can make money by asking useful questions :). Yes, you just need to be honest, loyal and good writer here. So,start writing answers on quora and be an active member. Never ever spread spam content. There are many ways to make money through Quora. Other ways you can read in the following link.

And, Read Here :- 3 Best Ways To Make Money Through Quora

Also See :- Best Phone For Make Money At Home

What Type Of Questions Should You Ask To Make Good Money?

  • Questions related to trending topics.
  • Questions related to current affairs & useful discussions.
  • Health related questions.
  • Even, astrology has good popularity.
  • Even, entertaining questions.
  • Questions related to ‘Views & Preferences Of Users’.
  • Question related to ‘What comes in your mind’ :P. ( Depends upon you)
  • Questions related to your wisdom & intelligence.

There are many ways to make money through Quora. Other ways you can read in the following link.

If you want to take a career & life path consultation then you can take a donation-based reading. For this, you can send an E.mail at

And, Read Here :- 3 Best Ways To Make Money Through Quora

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this isΒ Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. β€œOfcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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12 Responses

  1. krishna gupta says:

    What about those who answer the question, are they not eligible.

  2. Shadrack Nkrumah says:

    how can i log in and start asking my questing

  3. Gracemi Hrangkhawl says:

    I am a new user,seems interesting…gonna love it

  4. I have a WhatsApp group so I intend to generate money through my platform.

  5. Cicilia says:

    I’m a member since 2018 and been participating in asking questions, how may I know if I have been earning

  6. Inez says:

    I want to select a subject not taught in many schools .