How do I know if my ascendant is strong? Read Here

Well, ascendant is your 1st house. Your ascendant/1st house shows your personality, life focus, health, looks, interests, purpose, aura, vibes, etc. It’s easy to check whether your ascendant is strong or not.

First of all, See your Lagna/ascendant sign, degree of rising, and lord of your ascendant/first house. Check- is there any planet sitting in your 1st house or 7th house? Check- is there any planet aspecting your 1st house. Now, see the placement of your first house lord and its degree. Also, see conjunction & aspects over your ascendant lord. Check the Nakshatra of your rising and ascendant lord. Check the placement of your ascendant lord in your Navamsa chart as well.

All the above things helps to know whether your ascendant powerful or not?

For example, if you are Leo ascendant. Lord of Leo is the Sun and the sun is in your 5th house with Saturn in Sagittarius sign. The rising degree is 12 & Naksharata is Magha. Jupiter is aspecting your sun & Saturn from 9th house. Moon is in your 1st house but. it’s 12th house lord. Sun is in the 11th house of the Navamsa chart. Sun’s Nakshatra is Uttarashada. Sun’s degree is 24 and Saturn’s degree is 10.

So, Lagna lord is well placed in the 5th house but it is sitting with enemy Saturn but Jupiter is aspecting them from the 9th house which is a good sign. Moreover, it’s Jupiter’s house too. ( Saviour ). But, 12th lord moon in your 1st house again a weak point for your ascendant. Sun in 11th house in navamsa kundali and it’s fine.

Sun + Saturn = Malefic.

Jupiter’s Aspect = Positive.

Sun in 5th house = Positive Placemenmnt.

Moon in 1st house = Malefic for ascendant but not fully bad.

Sun in 11th house of Navamsa = It’s fine.

Rising Nakshatra is Magha.

Sun’s Nakshatra is Uttarashda.

Overall, this ascendant & 1st house is Neutral.

So, Where is your ascendant lord ?

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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4 Responses

  1. sambasivarao says:

    I am libra ascendant and my venus placed in 12th house virgo. And my ascendant is occupied by moon and Jupiter kindly let me know if any problem.

  2. Prasanna says:

    HI Pooja,

    I am cancer ascendant, Jupiter in the first house and no planet in the 7th house.
    I heard cancer ascendants will always face issues. Is it true?

  3. Rajiv says:

    Hi Pooja,

    Virgo ascendant. Sun in ascendant..

    Ascendant lord Mercury is in 12th Leo along with Mars and Ketu

    • Sindhura says:

      Iam a cancer ascendant.. 1st and 7th houses are empty.. my ascendant lord, moon(1°in magha nakshatra) is in 2nd house with ketu(18° in poorva Phalguni nakshatra) how’s my lagna lord strength