Mercury is one of the charming, joyful, and prince planets of astrology. Mercury is a karaka of intelligence, intellectual, smartness, cunning, joy, fun, socialization, comedian, mathematics, business, social dealings, marketing, communication skills, media, creativity, dual personality, decision making, friends, sister, etc.
If Mercury is weak in your kundali then you might face problems related to above karakas. You might be weak in studies, mathematics, logics, not smart enough to deal with problems, poor in decision making, etc.
If you want to increase the power the mercury in your kundali, then one of the best remedies is to ‘Donate Education To Poor People‘. Yes, you can donate books, pens, copies, notebooks to the poor and needy people. Nothing can beat this remedy. It’s one of the best and practical remedies to improve the power of your mercury.
Another great remedy is to wear ‘Green Color Clothes’ on every Wednesday. Avoid lies, fakeness and always speak the truth and do the right things for yourself and others.
Do fasting on every wednesday. Do pooja of Ganesha ji. Do Mantra chanting early in the morning.
Eat green pulse, green vegetables. They are good to strengthen your mercury. Maintain a good relationship with your sister and siblings. Do offer them help or a gift.
So, above are the practical remedies to improve your mercury in your kundali.
If you want a donation based Horoscope predictions then you can mail your date of birth, time, place at
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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at