In which house does the Moon give the best results? Read here

The moon is a planet of emotions, care, love, mother, inner nature, mood, comforts, luxury, menstrual cycle, home, mindset, thinking, romance, etc. In the kalpurush chart, the 4th house is ruled by moon. The moon is a sensitive & mild planet. It is also a planet of natural beauty.

Moon is a planet of Empathy.

The moon changes its sign within 2-2.5 days. It also shows our mood swings.

Best House For Planet Moon

It’s the 11th house. Yes, the 11th house is all about desires, wishes, gains, profits, friends, social circle, etc. The moon is your mind & interests. So, in the 11th house, moon will focus on fulfilment of desires, wishes and goals. So, it’s good to have a moon in the 11th house. It will also aspect 5th house which is good for hobbies, interests, knowledge and love life.

Apart from 11th house, Moon also give good results in the:-

  1. The 2nd house.
  2. The 3rd house.
  3. The 4th house.
  4. The 5th house.
  5. The 9th house.
  6. Moon in own sign.

In these houses, moon will explore all the good things and there are less chances of having mood swings if you have a moon in the above houses.

Moon in the 9th house makes a native spiritual, kind and religious in nature.

Moon in 5th house makes a native creative, passionate for relationship and knowledgeable.

Moon in the 3rd house good for self work, journalist, media, arts, music, dance, online work, writing, etc.

Moon in the 4th house makes a native attached towards his/her home, mother, home sukh. He/she will be kind by heart.

Moon in the 2nd house makes a native beautiful, good in speech and a family person.

I have moon in the 1st house but it makes me too sensitive, emotional and mood swings issues.

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Also Read:- Your Lucky Time In Kundali

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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