Interesting & Lesser Known Facts About Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs was an American inventor, designer, and entrepreneur who was the co-founder, chief executive and chairman of Apple Computer. Apple’s revolutionary products, which include the iPod, iPhone and iPad, are now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology. In this post, I’m going to share some of the interesting & lesser-known facts about steve jobs.

What Are Some Unknown Facts About Steve Jobs?

  1. Steve first saw the whole design of the mouse and Monitor and keyboard at XEROX, Palo Alto. There he got the idea of the whole Mac thing.
  2. Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs were close friends.
  3. Steve Jobs never wrote any code.
  4. Before giving any presentation in public like WWDC, he practiced the presentation over and over again until he mastered it.
  5. There was a time in his life when he had almost no money. So, he managed to eat “Prasaad ”from one of the nearest Krishna Temple.
  6. Steve jobs was 28 when he launched the first Macintosh in 1984, which became revolutionary over a course of time.
  7. On 28th April 2003, Apple opened the revolutionary online iTunes Music Store in the US, after negotiating landmark deals with all major music labels.
  8. Steve Jobs was a pescetarian, meaning he ate no meat except for fish.
  9. He was an official college dropout but continued his education by informally auditing classes.
  10. He had a pretty low GPA–just 2.65. Jobs admitted he never enjoyed school structure and preferred to learn in unconventional ways.
  11. Steve Jobs was moved to the night shift when working at Atari due to complaints about his hygiene. He rarely showered and would walk around barefoot in the Atari offices.
  12. While at Apple, Jobs always kept his annual salary at $1. Don’t worry, with 5.5 million shares of Apple stock and as the majority shareholder of Disney stock (from selling Pixar), he wasn’t quite what you’d call a starving artist.
  13. Jobs ended up connecting later in life with his biological sister, Mona Simpson, whom he grew very close with. Both were naturally artistic and shared much in common.
  14. The movie Anywhere But Here is based on a book written by Jobs’s sister, Mona Simpson. The movie is dedicated to Steve Jobs.
  15. Steve Jobs was not always friendly with journalists and the media, wanting to retain total control of Apple’s impression on the public. Apple even sued teenager Nicholas Ciarelli for his Think Secret blog, where he revealed rumors and secret details about upcoming Apple products.
  16. Apple has been ranked No. 1 on Fortune’s list of America’s most admired companies.
  17. Steve Jobs was furious when Google created its Android devices, entering as an Apple competitor in the phone market.
  18. Apple, Microsoft, and Disney properties (including Disneyland and Disney World) flew their flags at half-staff when Jobs died.
  19. Tim Cook revealed in a 2014 interview that Jobs’s main office and nameplate are still as they were in 2011 when Jobs passed away.
  20. Jobs used to wear a 1000 USD Porsche Watch and used to gift it to anyone who appreciated it’s designed. After a few minutes, he would have another piece of the same watch on his wrist again.
  21. Since his death, the former Apple CEO has won 141 patents, which was more than what most inventors win during their lifetimes. Currently, Jobs has over 450 patents.
  22. His Religion is Zen Buddhism. He went to India to meditate and learn about a simpler way of life.
  23. Jobs did not want to offer products in white. However, after designer Jonathan I’ve shown him the shade “moon grey”, he was convinced.
  24. He didn’t have a proper room in college time. He slept in his friend’s room floor and traveled 7 miles every Sunday to have a good meal once a week in the temple.
  25. The Macintosh computer has all the names of the people who worked for it. In the back, Jobs thought it was important to engrave everybody’s signature.

Source:- Google, Quora, And Twitter

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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