Is a planet having a degree between 20-30 has no effect? Read here

The degree of a planet tells us about the exact location/position of the planet in a particular sign. Every planet whether it is at 00, 01 or 29 & 30 degree will give you its results but the level & dignity of a planet would be reduced. Yes, all planets will provide you its results but due to weak strength of planet, results would be reduced for sure.

So planets at 28-29 degrees are weak. Planets at 00-01 degrees are weak. It does not mean the planet will not give any result. It will give results but the level will be low or weak. Rest planets at 20-27 degrees are not weak. They are good in strength in general.

The 00-01 degree and 28-29 degrees also connect two houses. If its 00-01 degree planet then its also making a connection with the previous house. If its 28-29 degree planet then its also making a connection with the next house.

For example, you have mercury at 01 degrees in your 5th house then mercury has just crossed 4th house and entered in the 5th house. So, its somewhere making a connection with both houses. If you have mercury at 29 degree in your 5th house then it’s just ready to leave 5th house and about to enter the 6th house. So, it’s again making a connection with the 5th and 6th houses.

Rest, you have to see aspects, conjunctions, sign, placement and position of a planet in sub-divisional chart to know the overall strength of your planet.

Hope, it helps !

Also Read:- The Powerful Raj Yoga In Astrology

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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