Is the ending of ketu mahadasha good? Read here

Ketu is a planet of detachment, spirituality, isolation, wisdom, sanyas, jail, living away from others, blank mind, no desire of enjoying life or fewer desires, silence, calmness, yogi, priest, occultist, etc.

Ketu is a shadow planet and it’s the tail of a demon. It’s not easy to predict the results of shadow planets because they always bring results as per our karmic debts & past life deeds. It can bring positive as well as negative results depending upon your karmas.

It’s important to check the placement of ketu in your horoscope. A favorable ketu brings peace, spirituality, wisdom, knowledge & growth in our life. An unfavorable ketu brings health issues, knees pain, arthritis, urinary issues/kidney issues, problems in personal life, etc.

Still, ketu is a natural malefic planet. So, you all can expect slight issues in your life during ketu mahadasha.

Best remedy of ketu is to keep a dog or serve to the dogs :).

Is the ending of ketu mahadasha good?

Of course, Yes!. Because ending of ketu means you are going to have your next mahadasha which is of Venus. Venus is a natural benefic planet. Plus, if venus is well-placed in your kundali and it’s favorable for your ascendant then ready for a bright time of your life :). Yes, Venus can bring peace, happiness, love, wealth, growth & prosperity if it’s well-placed in your kundali and it’s ruling favorable houses in your kundali.

At the end of your ketu mahadasha, you will find relief, peace and betterment in your life. At the ketu of your ketu mahadasha, you will feel free from negative thoughts or stress. You may find better direction in your life. You may find betterment in your health & wealth. You may find solutions. You may feel relief from tough times.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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