Lesser Known Facts About Facebook

Facebook, Inc. is an American social media and technology company based in Menlo Park, California. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, originally as TheFacebook.com. In this post, I’m going to share some of the interesting facts about Facebook.

What are the most mind-blowing facts about Facebook?

  1. Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t the first user of FB – he was the 4th. The First 3 accounts were test accounts that do not exist now.
  2. It is estimated that Facebook operates with 60,000 severs by late 2009 compared to google which is operated with 450000 severs and eBay is used to operate with 50,000 servers.
  3. The average Facebook U S. user spends 40 minutes a day on the site.
  4. The most ‘liked’ page on Facebook is ‘Facebook for Every Phone’ with 499,050,308 likes. (The year 2017 )
  5. Facebook loses $24,420 for every minute of its downtime. Till date, the longest downtime was for 19 minutes in 2014.
  6. One Early Facebook Function Was a File Sharing Service called Wirehog. This was closed in 2006 due to piracy concerns.
  7. Facebook is blue because Mark Zuckerberg has red-green color blindness.
  8. YouTube founder Steve Chen spent a few weeks working at Facebook before leaving to start YouTube.
  9. Facebook has been blocked in China. Instead they have developed similar apps such as colorful balloons.
  10. Heavy use of FB is linked to stomach aches, sleeping problems, anxiety, depression, narcissism in teens.
  11. A recent survey of 500 top colleges found that 10% of admissions officers acknowledged looking at social networking sites such as Facebook to evaluate applicants. Thirty-eight percent of admissions officers said that what they saw negatively affected the applicant.
  12. If Facebook were a country, it would be the fifth-largest country in the world, after China, India, the U.S., and Indonesia
  13. Approximately 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States.
  14. Syria, China, Vietnam, and Iran have banned Facebook.
  15. The first person to invest in Facebook was the co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, who invested $500,000 in June 2004.
  16. In January 2009, an advertising campaign from Burger King titled “WHOPPER Sacrifice” rewarded Facebook users a free “Angry Whopper” for publicly deleting 10 friends, who would then receive a blunt message informing they were deleted for a free hamburger.
  17. A 20-year-old IBM employee in Canada lost sick leave benefits from her insurer because her Facebook page showed “cheerful” photos while she was on paid sick leave for depression.
  18. A site called Usocial offered to sell Facebook friends and fans to customers. Even after receiving a Cease and Desist from Facebook, Usocial said it will not shut down the service completely.
  19. There are reportedly 30,000,000 dead people still on Facebook.
  20. Most smartphone uses are believed to check their Facebook accounts 14 times a day. Sound about right?
  21. Facebook’s average advertising revenue per user in the Asia-Pacific region, of which India is a part, was just $1.74 last quarter.
  22. In November of 2014the number of video uploads to Facebook exceeded YouTube video uploads according to Social Bakers.
  23. Photo uploads are 350 million per day.
  24. 4th February is celebrated as friends day so Facebook was launched in the celebration of friends day on 4th February 2004.
  25. Every year the company throws itself a birthday party and every employee is given a present. This year (2013), it was pajama bottoms. Others have included watches & socks.
  26. Almost every single meeting room in the entire company gets its name as the result of an employee vote. There’s a Quora answer somewhere with a comprehensive list, but suffice to say, there’s a certain amount of in-jokes / general humor in the names.
  27. 100,000 Friends Request – There are Approx. 100,000 Friends Request is sent Over Facebook in Every 10 Minutes.
  28. What Facebook Acquires – Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, Private Core are Work Under as Facebook Subsidiaries. These Services and Apps are also Ranked Top Position like Facebook.
  29. Fake Profiles on Facebook – There are Almost 8.7% Fake Users on Facebook Who make their Profiles for likes, share and for Other Purposes.
  30. Facebook Hosting Fact – Facebook Spend $30 Million Dollars on Their Hosting in Each Month. This may be the Biggest Hosting Money ever use for Website.
  31. 1 Billion Apps Attached – There are almost 1 billion Apps Link is Enabled on Facebook.
  32. Add Number 4 at the End of Facebook URL – When You Put Number 4 After Facebook URL. It Automatically Redirects to Mark Zukerberg’s Profile. ( www.facebook.com/4/ )

Sources:- Google, Quora, Facebook

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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