LinkedIn- The Best Business & Professional Networking Platform

LinkedIn is the perfect social media platform to grow your business network. It’s a professional social media platform where you can create your professional Id and connect with several useful & knowledgeable people. You will learn a lot from here.

Job Searching/Work From Home

If you’re looking for a job/work then LinkedIn is the best professional networking platform. Here, you can find a job/work as per your interest/profile. Even, if you’re looking for work from home jobs then LinkedIn is the best platform to search for work from home jobs as well.

Explore Professional Information

Not only this, but You can also make connections with unlimited professional people. You would get a chance to learn so many useful, professional and business-related things from this platform. You can also share your knowledge with all of your connections. This would create a geat impression.

Organic Reach & Build Your Brand

If you want to build your brand/business then LinkedIn is the best platform. Even if you are in online business or blogging then LinkedIn is so so helpful because it’s organic reach is extremely good. You can see yourself in the above picture. It’s a Two days old post and you can see the number of views ( Organic Reach ) 7143 views till now.

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Interesting & Lesser Known Facts Of LinkedIn

  1. LinkedIn has 5 mobile Apps that are very efficient and get done things on the go. These are LinkedIn, LinkedIn Connected, LinkedIn Pulse, LinkedIn Recruiter and SlideShare.
  2. The probability of your LinkedIn profile being viewed increases by 11 times if you have a profile picture. If you do not have one, you might seriously consider this fact.
  3. One of the Untold facts about LinkedIn is that 89% of all recruiters have recruited someone through LinkedIn.
  4. You can easily get content writing jobs here if you have good connections.
  5. You can easily increase your followers by making connections with several people.
  6. LinkedIn Premium is a paid subscription that allows you to DM anyone at all using InMail credits. It gives you access to LinkedIn Learning and other features. Premium is beneficial for job seekers, and LinkedIn provides one year of free subscription to the USA transitioning military.
  7. The LinkedIn algorithm “rewards” engagement with profile visibility. Like, comment insightfully, reply to comments on posts.
  8. Organic Reach of LinkedIn is extremely good as compared to Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms.
  9. The algorithm will most likely suppress you in recruiter searches if you don’t occasionally apply for roles via LinkedIn jobs.
  10. 25million LinkedIn profiles viewed every day. LinkedIn has 260Million monthly active members.
  11. Over 75,000 developers are using LinkedIn’s APIs in their own products and service.
  12. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining is the skill with which most people got hired in 2014.
  13. For B2B companies LinkedIn is one of the best online marketing tools and is a lead generation machine.
  14.  For B2C companies LinkedIn is the best alternative marketing tool to communicate their message to professional audiences.
  15. The overall quality of the spelling and commentary is far better than Facebook for sure. And the updates about people I know are typically more interesting than they are on Facebook.
  16. There are lots of groups on LinkedIn on different varieties of themes. You can join then involve in conversation, learn from there and get updates.
  17. LinkedIn gives you an option to customize your profile link. Doing so increases your chances of getting in touch with potential connections, potential clients, influencers, etc.
  18. Use # hashtags with each & every post of your Linkedin. It will increase organic each.
  19. Don’t limit yourself to posting on LinkedIn. You can also add showcase pages to your LinkedIn company page. These pages are like mini-websites you control on LinkedIn.
  20. LinkedIn algorithms value the original content. So, your own articles tend to be the most viewed.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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2 Responses

  1. Anthony says:

    Wow ..happy to see this new website..