Do All Leo Ascendants Get A Wife like Shani (7th lord)?
Leo ascendants’ 7th house is Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. 7th house is related to your spouse and marriage life. So, no doubt your spouse may have...
Honesty Above Everything
Leo ascendants’ 7th house is Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. 7th house is related to your spouse and marriage life. So, no doubt your spouse may have...
In this article, I’m going to share the basic meanings and astrological significance of different houses, family members and relatives. Let’s start with all the houses :). 1st...
Someone asked me about Rahu in the 12th house and Ketu in 6th house. Yes, it’s true that malefic give good results in malefic houses. 6th house is...
12th house is the house of losses, endings, expenses, isolation, expenditure, foreign lands, stress, sleep, sex life, secrets, loss of energy, etc that’s why planets are not considered...
Steven Paul Jobs was an American inventor, designer, and entrepreneur who was the co-founder, chief executive and chairman of Apple Computer. Apple’s revolutionary products, which include the iPod, iPhone and iPad,...
8th house is related to secrets, mystery, sudden losses, sudden gains, age, death, transformation, in-laws, sex life, accidents, major health problems, occult, scientists, research, ups & downs in...
Yes, you can easily find benefic & malefic planets in your horoscope. First of all, understand the concept of benefic & malefic. There are some natural malefic &...
Marriage is one of the most important part of our life. In astrology, marriage is related to 7th house & its lord, 2nd house & its lord, 4th...
Yes, it’s a way to find whether a person is telling a truth or lie by his/her horoscope. It’s a 2nd house which deals with speech, speaking, eating...
Yes, Rahu & Ketu can form Raja Yoga too. Both are shadow planets and a bit tricky. Rahu & Ketu form Raja yoga in the following conditions:- If...