Pick A One Card Freely To Know Your Coming Future

I’m again come with another interesting general future reading. This reading will give you predictions about your coming future. For this, you have to pick one card among three cards intuitively. Take a deep breathe and choose one card intuitively if you want to know your coming future. I’m using cards with general messages written on them. Do not forget to share it with your friends & family ad well.

Here are the Cards

Take a deep breathe and choose one card intuitively my friends. Okay, if you have chosen one card then you can check the answers below.

Here Are the Answers

1 ) Three Of Raphael

Three Of Raphael

If you chose card no 1, then you got Three Of Rapheal which is a very positive card. It showing some good news, good friends or good time is coming in your near future. You may go to some party or may have some wedding celebration of yours or some near one. You will enjoy your good time with your friends & family. In case of career, it’s showing wonderful time for job growth or promotion things. All the best !

2) Two Of Raphael

If you chose card no 2 then you got Two Of Raphael. This card showing that its a good time for you to plan a future with your loved one. You may plan for higher level commitment or engagement. Its a good card for career as well as its showing many new opportunities are coming your way. You can get good job offers/promotion/growth in your near future. You will plan a secure future. All the Best !

3) Knight Of Michael

If you chose card no 3 then you got Knight Of Michael. This card indicating either some good sudden change or some news is coming in your life. In love matters, its showing new person is coming your way. In career reading, this card indicating that you will do lots of efforts and will try to grow your work with your efforts as it showing good energy in work area as well. Overall, it’s again an amazing card. All the best !

Also Try :- Choose One Card To Know Your Love & Married Life


This is a collective general reading 🙂 So it may or may not be resonate with all of you. But, yes it can show good general sides of your upcoming year. Hope, you enjoy it.

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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