Marriage is an important part of everyone’s life. In astrology, 7th house deals with marriage,partnership and your married life. Along with this, 2nd house, 4th house,8th house and 12th house are also important for the prediction of your married life.Rest, you also need to check the Navamsha chart for your married life.
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What combinations of planets in Kundli can indicate a good married life?
- In general, a strong & well placed 7th house lord shows good & happy married life.
- Generally, it’s good to have an empty 7th house. Still, natural benefic planets like venus,moon, jupiter are also good in 7th house. ( Conditions applied).
- 7th house lord is in 5th,9th and 11th house shows good & happy married life in general.
- Strong 2nd & 4th house also shows good family environment and a decent married life.
- If lagna lord is also well placed in your horoscope then it also helps to save your married life.
- Aspect of jupiter either in 7th house or on 7th house lord also a blessing for your married life.
- Whenever, your 7th house is free from any malefic planet and aspect of malefic planet then it also shows a decent & happy married life.
- Strong Trikona houses 1st,5th and 9th shows you are lucky in your life which is also helpful in every area of your life including married life.
- Strong 8th and 12th house shows good sexual life. Mars is the karka of sex in astrology. Venus is the karka of romance.
- If marriage karkas Venus in case of male and jupiter in case of female are blemish free then it also indicate good married life.
- Don’t forget to see the strength of your moon as it’s all about your mind, mood and mental strength.
- Even, 7th lord is in 4th, 10th and 3rd are fine positions for your married life.
- If you’re manglik then prefer to marry with manglik person.
If you want to know about your Raj Yogas, Future, Career, Marriage & Money predictions then you can take a ‘Pay as per your capability’ consultation. For this, you can send an E.mail at
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