Planetary Combinations For Luxury House In Astrology

A good & luxurious house is a dream for everyone. In astrology, there are some prime combinations and karkas of luxury house that can make your dream come true. In this article, i’m going to talking about some short & simple rules for luxurious & comfortable house.

Which House & Planets Are Responsible For Beautiful & Luxurious House ?

  • 4th House
  • Planets Moon, Venus, Mars And Saturn.

What planetary combination in a birth chart gives a luxury house?

Yes, it’s 4th house which shows luxurious,beautiful & comfortable house.Now, you have to check the karka of 4th houses too. Moon & venus are karkas of 4th house. You need to check the strength, placement and aspects on moon & venus in your horoscope. Along with this, don’t forget to see the property karkas Mars & Saturn in your birth chart. Also, check the planet placed in your 4th house and lord placement of 4th house. All these things will tell you all about your property, house, comforts, luxury and vehicle sukh in your life.

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You also need to check your Navmasha chart for the strength of your planets. At the same time, 4th house of your Navmansha chart.

D-4 chart is also very important for the judgement of house and property. If Venus, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn/Mars is strongly placed in this chart then a luxury house promise is available in horoscope.

So, you need to check all such things to predict about your ‘Dream House Prediction’. Check all the above things in your horoscope. Don’t forget to see your mahadasha & antradasha plus transit positions of planets to predict the timing of your dream home, house and property.

Do you know ?

4th house, any planet in your 4th house, lord placement of your 4th house, aspects on 4th house and moon tells about ‘How A Person By Heart!’.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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