Some Of The Unlucky Signs & Symbols On Palm

Our palm tells a lot about our destiny, karma, upcoming events, present life, lucky & unlucky symbols. But, don’t worry, these unlucky symbols can change or vanish with age. It’s better to check our active hand. Active hand means a palm that is used for writing and most of our work. My active hand is ‘Right Palm’. Our right palm tells about our current & upcoming future events and our left palm is like Navamsa Chart. It also tells our overall life chart since birth. In this article, I’m going to write some of the bad & unlucky signs on the palm.

Bad & Unlucky Signs On Palm

  1. The mole on the lifeline shows some serious life events like major health problems, losses, accidents,s or loss of energy. Even, i, too have a mole on the lifeline. But, with age, it can vanish.
  2. Cross on the Saturn mount shows the fatal events of life. It can be an accident, danger from fire, insane, illegal activities, depression, isolation, or sanyas life.
  3. Island on the head life shows some injury on the head, depression, or stress events.
  4. Cross, island or mole on the luck line shows financial loss, loss of job, change of job or some mishappening at the work place.
  5. Cross on the sun mount shows loss of reputation, lack of confidence, problems in job, or difficulty in getting promotion or good job.
  6. Grill on the Saturn mount shows a lot of struggles in native life. It also shows confusion and conflicts in life.
  7. Island on the Saturn mount shows troubles in luck, work-life, or difficulties in life.
  8. A red mole on the mars mount shows an accident, anger, or physical fights/injuries.
  9. Island on the mount of lifeline shows life danger.
  10. Downward slop lines on any mount or lines show negativity, loss of energy, small losses.

Remember a whole palm can change the overall predictions because square are the sign of protection. There are many lines which can act like a savior. So, it’s better to check overall palm for accurate predictions. Thank you so much.

If you want to know about your Raj Yogas, Future, Career, Marriage & Money predictions then you can take a ‘Pay as per your capability’ consultation. For this, you can send an E.mail at

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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