In Astrology, 9th house is one of the most important house. It’s tells us about our luck, destiny, social image, religion, your father, paternal family and overall support of your luck.
9th house relates to Sagittarius, and Jupiter is the natural signification of this house, which also relates to good luck, wealth, fortune, higher learning, wisdom and spirituality. It’s mahadasha always brings good results in native’s life if its well placed in a horoscope and free from all blemishes.
It’s one of the strongest trikona house. Planets placed in this house can also make Rajayogas. Even placement of 9th lord is in 1st, 10th,5th, 9th, 11th houses are extremely beneficial and fruitful for a native. Such natives always do well in their life specially in the time periods of its mahadasha & antradashas as well.
It’s 5th from 5th house, shows grand children, higher learning, wisdom, learning of children, also shows love-arranged marriage (if connected to 7th house). 9th house is 12th from 10th house, it’s end of our karmas and efforts. So, A strong and benefic 9th is responsible for liberation. It is 11th from 11th house, so shows gains and fulfillment of desires etc and role of luck in it.
You should always follow a good karmic path on order to get its maximum benefits and at the same to pacify your affiliated planets in your horoscope.
So, Where is your 9th lord placed in your horoscope ? Tell me in the comment section !
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Namaskar, I am Pisces ascendant and my 9th lord mars is placed in 2nd house. Pls enlighten me. Thanks
9th lord is in 2nd house is a wonderful placement for you because of own sign mars. It will help in good assets and wealth for you 🙂
Good Luck !
My 9th aries lord, Mars is in 5th house. What have you got to say about this, ma’am.
Hello 🙂
it’s a wonderful placement of 9th lord. It’s 9th from 9th as well. If its blemish free then it will generate Raja yoga type results specially in Mars MD or AD.
NamaSkar Mme,
I have Virgo ascendant with Venus and Mars in 9th house if Taurus… Kindly share your valuable thoughts and inputs
You have 9th lord venus is in 9th house which is a good sign but mars is malefic for virgo asc as its ruling 8th and 3rd house. So, overall your 9th house is neutral but you will surely get good results of venus.
With Leo ascendant, lord of 9th house in 10th house, also ketu placed in 9th house, plz offer sure shot remedies if possible, thanks a ton in an anticipation, my DOB is
21March 1957,time-1540,day
It’s a wonderful placement of 9th lord and it will help you in your career growth. Secondly, it’s a karmadharma yoga as well. Ketu is in 9th house is good for spiritual and religious activities.
Hi I have Taurus ascendant with ninth lord Saturn in ascendant with mars and Venus and Jupiter in eight house and Rahu in ninth house. I have been told that this placement makes the native unlucky and I did experience that in many areas. Please share your analysis and thoughts. And kindly suggest any remedial measures.
Saturn as 9th lord is in 1st house a good placement only problem is that its with mars which is not at all good. But, no one’s chart is perfect. You should chant mantra and follow good deeds for betterment of your life. Start following law of attraction.
I have a Sagittarius ascendant with Venus and Mars in Leo in my 9th house. Pleas enlighten me
It’s a beautiful placement of mars in 9th because its your 5th lord & 12th lord as well. Venus is your 6th and 11th house lord which is a neutral. So, overall both will give good results in your 9th house for sure.
Hello i am cancer ascendant and my 9th lord Jupiter is in 8th house and i have saturn in 9th house
You 9th lord is in 8th house.Now, your 8th becomes more powerful which can bring some good fruits of 8th like sudden gains etc but here your 9th becomes slight weak. You can expect betterment after 35.
I am Pisces ascendant and my 9th lord is placed in Gemini with Ketu in conjunction. Could you please tell few words on this.
So, your 9th lord is mars which is placed in 4th house of gemini with ketu. It’s a neutral strength of your 9th house lord. It will give some betterment in your home sides but with ketu i can see some ups and downs as well.
Thank you.
M gemini ascendant and my 9th house Lord is sitting in 9th house with Mercury.
This is a wonderful yoga. You have 1st lord is in your 9th house with your 9th lord. In your mercury MD/Ad and Saturn Md/AD, you will see success,good luck and good life for sure 🙂