What are some astrological combinations that you find working in most of the charts?

According to me, there are some astrological combinations that work in most of the horoscopes. These combinations are:-

  1. Lagna lord ensures good results of the sign, house or planet associated with him.
  2. Planet Moon and 1st house & its lord have the greatest importance in kundali.
  3. A planet placed in the 10th/11th house gives more than he promises. Sometimes even a good planet suffer to deliver result if they occupy 4th/8th house.
  4. Natural benefic planets might lose its some of the natural qualities in the 6th, 8th and 12th house. Venus in the 12th house is the exception here.
  5. If Ascendant lord, 9th house and Moon are favorable then it may indicate early success and growth in your life.
  6. If you have weak or affiliated Lagna lord, moon and 9th house then you might get late success in your life.
  7. Your moon sign is your real Rashi as the moon tells us inner qualities and inside stories.
  8. If you have a weak or affiliated moon and weak 4th house & its lord then you might face stress, depression or overthinking issues in your life. If you have strong Lagna lord then you may come out of it but if you have weak Lagna lord then you might face difficulties to solve it.
  9. Shakatak combination of two planets indicates a problem for sure. For example; If 7th lord is in 6th or 8th from Lagna lord, it brings challenges in a relationship or married life.
  10. Retrograde planets are bit mysteries and unpredictable but they are more powerful than direct planets.
  11. Mahadasha of 6th house, 8th house, and 12th houses always give some troubles or struggles in life.
  12. In the majority of cases, the association of Rahu with the 7th house or its lord indicates a relationship with another caste.
  13. Most of the planets give good results in the 11th house except Ketu.
  14. Strong trikona houses ( 1st, 5th, and 9th house) make a native very lucky and fortune in life.
  15. Your major life events depend upon your mahadasha, Antara Dasha and transit of planets.
  16. Upachaya Houses ( 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses ) grows & improves with time.
  17. It’s better to have an empty 7th house.
  18. More than 3 planets in one house disturb & imbalance the significance of that house.
  19. Combust planets might lose some of its strength & significance.
  20. Weak sun & Lagna lord can make a person introvert & shy.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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