What are some indicators of wealth in astrology?

There are several rules for wealth, money and finances in astrology. In astrology, 2nd house is the house of money, assets, and finances. 11th house is the house of gains, income and desires. 2nd house and 11th house are the major houses for money, wealth and finance in astrology.

Venus and jupiter are the indicators of wealth, finances and money.

Even, Trikona houses ( 1st-5th-9th ) are the house of luck, destiny and financial flow.

What are some indicators of wealth in astrology?

  1. If 11th house lord in the 11th house then it shows good gains and profits in your life.
  2. If 2nd house lord in the 2nd house then it shows financial stability and assets in your life.
  3. A weak or less active 12th house means you might have fewer expenses and more gains in your life.
  4. If Venus and Jupiter are well placed in your kundali then it shows good finances and money stability.
  5. If Ascendant lord is associated with 2nd or 11th house, the native will be wealthy.
  6. If the 2nd or 11th lord is in Kendra or Trikona or is associated or aspected by Jupiter or Venus, the native will be wealthy.
  7. If 2nd house lord in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 4th or 11th house then it shows decent monetary benefits in your life.
  8. If 11th house lord is in the 11th, 2nd, 5th, 4th, 9th or 7th house then it’s also good for income, promotions and gains in your life.
  9. Powerful trikona houses ( 1st-5th-9th ) or exchange between trikona houses ( 1st-5th ), ( 5th-9th ), ( 1st-9th ) shows powerful financial status.
  10. An exchange between Ascendant or 2nd and 11th lords will bless one with wealth.
  11. Rahu in 6th, 10th or 11th house is another great indicator of sudden gains in life.
  12. Don’t forget to check the Astavarga Points of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 11th houses.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

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