Mars is one of the active, energetic, and strong planet in astrology. It’s a planet of passion, energy, growth, sexual power, army, police officers, fighters, sportsman, gym, physical work, yoga, exercises, implementation, action, aggression, ego, leadership, etc.
Exalted Mars/Mangal In Astrology
Mars becomes exalted in the sign of Capricorn and debilitated in the sign of cancer. Capricorn is a karma sign. So, it’s good to have exalted mars. A person might put effort into his/her work. A person might be a karma believer and achieve success through his/her actions & hard work. These people are a fighter and, can beat debate & competition. These people are energetic and ambitious. These people might have a lot of interest in work/career. These people implement things so quickly. If a person has exalted mars in the 10th house then he/she might be successful in career and popular because of his/her career.
A person might be passionate about his life, work, dreams, and hobbies. A person might have good sexual power. A person might be a bit short-tempered too. A person might take an interest in career, work, gym work, physical work, sports, army, or any challenging work.
Yes, these people love challenges. These people able to compete in competitions and debates. These people are worthy, and can do lots of good things in their life.
Rest, many things depends upon the rising sign and house of the exalted mars. Predictions might differ according to it.
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Also Read:- Check Your Raj Yoga Planet

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at
Exalted Combust Mars for Virgo?
5Th house
And Saturn in Aquarius
How will be the results ?