What combinations in a birth chart indicate success in foreign lands? Read here

There are some great combinations in astrology that indicate success in a foreign land, foreign traveling, and foreign settlement. In this article, I’m going to share some of the combinations that are responsible for foreign traveling or settlement.

What combinations in a birth chart indicate success in foreign lands? Read here

  1. If the ascendant lord is placed in your 9th house, 10th house, 11th house, or 12th house then it may show that you may live away from your hometown. It could be a different state or a different country.
  2. If your 4th house is affiliated or weak or lord of the 4th house placed in the 9th or 12th house then it may show that you may live away from your mother or hometown.
  3. If you have a powerful 12th house or exalted or strong planets in your 12th house then it may show success in a foreign land.
  4. Exalted or strong planets in your 9th house show foreign traveling or traveling at different states in its Mahadsaha.
  5. Mahadasha of Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Jupiter, etc may give a chance of traveling in your life.
  6. Powerful Rahu in your 12th house may show income or earnings from a foreign land.
  7. An active 9th, 11th, or 12th house shows foreign land traveling or settlement. Yes, for settlement, the 4th house needs to be weak or affiliated in the chart.
  8. The 3rd house or its lord shows small traveling in your life. It is related to short-trips.
  9. Yogakaraka planets in the 9th or 12th house show foreign traveling in its mahadasha.
  10. The 2nd or 11th lord is in the 12th house shows income or gains from foreign land.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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