What Factors Help Us Understand Whether A Planet Is Benefic Or Malefic In The Birth Chart?

Yes, you can easily find benefic & malefic planets in your horoscope. First of all, understand the concept of benefic & malefic. There are some natural malefic & benefic planets in nature. Then, you need to check malefic & benefic planets as per your rising sign. For Leo rising, 1st, 5th & 9th house lords are highly beneficial planets. You also need to see the friendship of planets with your rising sign. Like for Leo rising, 12th house lord is malefic though it’s natural benefic in nature ( moon ) but it will also bring malefic results of 12th house. Venus is a natural benefic planet but for Leo rising, venus will give neutral results because it’s not friendly to rising sign sun and it’s ruling 3rd & 10th house though it will not lose its natural nature. So, overall you can expect average & neutral results from venus as per its placement.

What Are The Natural Benefic Planets In Astrology?

  • Moon.
  • Venus.
  • Jupiter.
  • Mercury. ( Neutral and give results as per sign, conjunction and placement. It can act both positive or negative depending upon your horoscope).

What Are The Natural Malefic Planets In Astrology?

  • Saturn.
  • Mars.
  • Rahu.
  • Ketu.
  • Sun ( It’s not that malefic but its natural nature is cruel too ).

What Are Benefic & Malefic Planets In Your Horoscope?

Now, you know the natural benefic & malefic planets. After that, check your rising sign then lords of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 11th house in your horoscope. These houses are highly good for you.

If you’re Aquarius rising then Saturn and venus are highly benefic planets for you. Here, Saturn will not lose its natural nature but it will provide you all benefic results too. The best part is Venus :). Yes, Venus is a natural benefic planet in nature and at the same time, ruling 4th and 9th houses in Aquarius rising. So, double beneficial for Aquarius people. Venus will give all its natural benefic results and fruits of 4th and 9th house lords as well which is luck, destiny, comforts, luxury, home, peace, wealth, etc 🙂

What Are The Malefic & Benefic Planets As Per Your Rising/Ascendant Sign?

The most benefic planets for every rising sign are:-

  1. 1st house lord.
  2. 5th house lord.
  3. 9th house lord.

Planets with mixed results:-

  1. 2nd house lord.
  2. 11th house lord.
  3. 7th house lord.

Some good houses and its lords:-

  1. 4th house lord.
  2. 10th house lord.

The Most Malefic houses and its lords:-

  1. 6th house and its lord.
  2. 8th house and its lord.
  3. 12th house and its lord.
  4. somewhere 3rd house and its lord too.

If you want a donation-based Horoscope predictions and want to know about finances, career, future & married life then you can mail your date of birth, time, place at help@ofcourseme.com

Also See:- Check The Houses Of Growth & Success

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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