When Will You Get Married As Per Astrology? Read Here

Marriage is one of the most important part of our life. In astrology, there are some rules & principles which helps to predict the time of marriage including the nature of spouse, qualities and married life. 7th house is the prime house for marriage. Planets in the 7th house, 7th house strength and its lord placement plays an important role in your married life and spouse nature & qualities. Venus, jupiter and mars are the karakas of marriage. Venus is for male. Jupiter & mars for female.

When Will You Get Married As Per Astrology?

Mahadasha & Antradasha of 2nd, 7th and 11th houses

Yes, it’s one of the basic rule in astrology. 2nd house is everything about your family life, 7th house is marriage and 11th house is your desires, wishes, and hopes. So, when you will going through the dashas of 2nd,7th or 11th houses then in those time duration/year, there would be a chance of getting married or engaged. ( Don’t forget about your age ). If you’re young/child and going through the above dashas then it does not mean marriage.

Dasha of 5th & 9th lords can also give marriage. But, above houses are the major houses for marriage timing.

Apply :- Desh, Kaal, Patra

Mahadasha And Antradasha Of Venus And Jupiter

Venus and jupiter are the karaka of marriage. If venus or jupiter are well placed in your kundali and you’re going through the dasha of venus or jupiter at the right age of your marriage then there would be huge chances of getting marriage in those dashas.

Aspect Of Jupiter And Strong 7th House

If jupiter is aspecting your 7th house or its lord and your ascendant/lagna lord & 7th house is free from malefic and powerful then you might get married at the right age.

Delays In Marriage

If you have Saturn in your 7th house, Saturn aspecting your 7th house lord, Saturn is connecting to your 7th house & lord, Rahu or Ketu with 7th house lord, Saturn is your 7th lord, weak 7th house lord or affiliated 7th house lord then you might expect delays in your marriage. Malefic planets Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Mars, etc in the 7th house also delay the marriage.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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