Which planet/house in Kundali shows the figure/reputation one will have in public? Read here

Our social image/reputation/public image is seen from the 1st house, 5th house, 9th house, 7th house, and the most important 10th house. Yes, these houses play an important role to judge/check your social reputation/social image/name & fame.

Major karaka of reputation, public image, and name & fame is the Sun. Yes, Sun is the major karaka that tells about your name & fame, reputation, goodwill, and social image. Apart from the sun, you need to see Jupiter and Saturn in your kundali.

So, overall checklist is:-

  1. Sun.
  2. 1st House.
  3. 5th House.
  4. 10th House.
  5. 7th House.
  6. 9th House.
  7. Jupiter.
  8. Saturn.

You have to check all of them together to know about social image/reputation and name & fame.

For example, If you’re a Taurus rising. First check the position, placement, and overall condition of your Venus. Then, see Karaka Sun in your kundali. Then check 5th house lord placement, 10th house lord placement, 9th house lord placement, and 7th house lord placement. Also check Jupiter and Saturn condition in your kundali. For Taurus, Saturn is a Yogakaraka planet and at the same time 10th lord too. So, in this rising, Only a well-placed Saturn along with a good venus and sun placement can give you extremely good social status, name & fame, and reputation.

For example, if you’re a Leo rising. See the condition of your sun in your kundali. If the sun is in 5th house and Jupiter, Mars and Venus are also good in your kundali then you will surely get a good social image & reputation in your life. But, if you have only good sun and mars in your chart then you will mainly get good results in Sun and Mars Mahadasha & antradasha periods.

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Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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