2022 Numerology Overview- Yearly Prediction For All

Happy New Year to all of you 🙂 May this year bring happiness, joy, brightness, success, health, and wealth!

This article is more about the Numerology overview of the year 2022.

Numerology is that aspect of Astrology that deals with self-discovery and predictions. It helps you to find the concealed meaning of the world. It can act as your individualized guide to life, your probability of becoming something, your strengths, and your weaknesses.

The year 2022 has thrice times 222. Do you know the number 2 rulership? Well, let me tell you 🙂 It’s a Beautiful Moon 🙂

Numerology number of the year 2022 is 2+0+2+2 = 6. The number 6 is ruled by Beautiful Venus 🙂 Two lovely planes 🙂

So, the numerology of the year 2022 is Venus and Moon 🙂 Generally, this year can do well for birthdate numbers 2, 6, 15, 24, 22, 26, 12, 16, 9, 14, etc. Rest all birthdates get benefits for sure :). That’s just a generic part. Overall, we have to see the full date of birth to calculate the lucky number as well as the life path number :). For example, my full date of birth is 1-2-1991. So, I will calculate my lucky number as well as life path number and relate it with 2022. Secondly, we need to see the kundali, transits, and current mahadasha as well as antradasha for a better analysis. That’s why I always suggest following the combination of Astrology + Tarot + Numerology for better accuracy. It will provide you with a better analysis for sure.

Don’t forget to check:- 2022 Predictions For All Signs

Year 2022 Numerology Prediction

The year 2022 is more about the venus as well as the moon planet. Both planets show love, wealth, happiness, mother, family, love life, marriage life, assets, comforts, luxury, growth, marriage, peace, beauty, attraction, fame, modeling, arts, creativity, banking, overseas, foreign traveling, perfumes, etc. If you want to grow yourself in terms of beauty and love life, daily use perfume of roses. Start doing this every day. You might see good results soon. You can use this perfume, it’s the best one for all remedies and aura cleansing:- 2022 Wealth & Love Tip. Most of my clients are using this and getting the benefits.

If you want to grow your business & money then you must keep the small money tree at your business place or workplace. You can this money tree for you:- Get This

For Personal life & home life growth & peace. You must keep the Buddha Statue in the living room north direction. You must keep this Buddha Statue. Get Here

In your kundali, if good mahadasha or antradasha is going and you want to marry this year then there are high chances of marriage, growth in marriage life, starting of a love life, etc. This year is good for art, creativity, writers, banking, modeling, acting, dancing, overseas business, food business, finances, designing, online growth, diamonds work, clothing, salons, spas, malls, hotels, income tax department, gold, jewelry, beauty, etc.

2022 Vastu Tip For All

For Personal life & home life growth & peace. You must keep the Buddha Statue in the living room north direction. You must keep this Buddha Statue. Get Here

If you want to know about your Raj Yogas, Future, Career, Marriage & Money predictions then you can take a ‘Pay as per your capability’ consultation. For this, you can send an E.mail to help@ofcourseme.com


Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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