Choose One Card To Know Your Love & Marriage Life

I’m again come with another interesting pick a card reading for all of you :). You will surely enjoy this short & wonderful reading for all of you. I’m going to use ‘Romance Angel Cards’ which will tell you about your love or marriage life in short or others related things.

So, are you ready for this? Take a deep breathe and then, focus on these 3 cards and choose one card which one is calling you the most !.

Here Are the Cards

Here Are the Answers

1 ) Past Life Relationship

If you chose card no 1 then you got ‘Past Life Relationship’ Card.The Romance Angels sent you this card to explain the relationship you’ve inquired about. You have some unfinished business in conjunction with a soul mate from a past lifetime. This may involve forgiving someone, a joint project, or learning personal lessons such as patience.

Soul mates recognize each other instantly, and this feeling is often registered as a sense of romantic or sexual chemistry. The magnetism that draws two people together can surpass logic, because the purpose of the relationship is healing and learning. Whether or not your soul mate becomes your life partner, you’ll experience personal and spiritual lessons and growth as a result. Past-life regressions can also help you uncover the answers you seek.

2 ) Soul Mate

You chose this card because you wonder if a certain person is your soul mate, and the answer is “Yes!” As we all do, you have many soul mates—beings with whom you share a mystical soul connection and life path. Soul mates incarnate with the plan of coming together for mutual spiritual and personal growth.

As you suspected, the person you’re inquiring about is one of yours. That sense of familiarity and comfort you felt when you first met also indicates your soul-mate bond.This card sometimes comes to those who ask, “When will I meet my soul mate?” or “Will I ever meet my soul mate?” as validation that this will occur. Many times this is a person whom you already know. Although romantic sparks didn’t fly at first, you’ll have another opportunity to explore passion together.

3 ) Love Yourself First

“If you desire more romance, first look at yourself (in a caring and noncritical way, of course). The more you love who you are, the greater your capacity to feel loved by others. This means trusting yourself to take good care of you, it may entitle becoming more assertive. Don’t worry: you can still be very lovable while affirming your boundaries.

“Perhaps this mean spending some time alone, instead of in a relationship. During this period, you can delve into introspection to understand the patterns of your love life. Ultimately, you can take responsibility for attracting, and agreeing to, every relationship you’ve had. To heal your heart, and find the blessings and lessons you’ve gained from each one. For instance, have you become stronger, more independent, or more patient as a result of your prior partnerships? If so, let everything else from the past go except for the lessons and the love.

“This card emphasizes the importance of loving yourself first – especially as you prepare for your next relationship or heal the one you’re in. As you gain self-respect, you’ll begin attracting more loving people into your life. This will lead to healthy friendships and romances, based upon mutual respect.”

Also Try :- Choose One Card To Know Your Love & Married Life


This is a collective general reading 🙂 So it may or may not be resonate with all of you. But, yes it can show good general sides of your upcoming year. Hope, you enjoy it.

If you want to take your personal tarot reading and want to know about your career, future and love life then you can take donation-based consultation. For this, you can send an E.mail at


Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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