Get License Free Images For Your Blog & Website At One Place

If you’re a blogger or website owner then i’m sure you usually search ‘Royalty Free Images’ For your blog, website or business purpose.

Yes, there are several number of websites that provides ‘Licensed Free Images For Commercial Purpose’ like :-

  • Pexels.
  • Pixabay.
  • Freepik.
  • Unsplash.
  • Flickr.
  • Kaboompics.
  • LibreShot.
  • SplitShire.
  • PixaOcean.
  • Realistic Shots.
  • Free JPG etc

But , I have a one of the easiest and simplest way to get ‘All Free Licensed Images For Commercial Purpose’ At One Stop.

Yes , and that’s

“Google Advanced Image Search”

Yes , just go to google search engine and type ‘Google Advance Image Search’. Just like this :-

Google Advanced image search
free licensed images
Royalty free images
Images for commercial purpose

Now , Open it and Just do this way :-

Now , Enter your ‘Image Keywords’ like this

google advanced image search
royalty free images
free copyright images
Desktop View

In your , Mobile , it will look like this :-

free licensed images 
royalty free images
Mobile View

Now , Scroll Down and do this :-

go to the last option ‘Usage Rights’ and open this drop down menu and select ” Free to use,share or modify, even Commercially

Royalty free images
Free to modify images
images for commercial purpose
Desktop View

Then , finally , Click on the ‘ Advanced Search’.

free to use images
free copyright images
licensed free images
Mobile View

Finally , you will get ‘Images From All Free Sites At Stop’.. Like this :-

Free images
Free images for business purpose
all free images
Desktop View

So , now you don’t need to go each & every royalty free image sites . Just use ‘Google Advanced Image Search’ to get all free images from all the websites at one place . 🙂

Pooja Bhardwaj

Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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