Some Of The Interesting And Unique Astrological Facts

Vedic Astrology 
red book astrology 
  1. Lagna chart D1 remains same for 1–2 hours. That’s why its not easy to predict things accurately.
  2. D10( Dashmansha ) chart shows our career and karma.
  3. Transit of saturn and jupiter matters a lot because of slow moving planets.
  4. There are total 27 Nakshatras ( Stars) . All 27 nakshtras are Wives of moon and All the names of nakshtras are the names of Moon’s Wife.
  5. Moon is exalted in tauras , sun is exalted in aries , mars is exalted in capricorn, mercury is exalted in virgo , jupiter is exalted in cancer, saturn is exalted in libra, venus is exalted in pisces , rahu is exalted in tauras & gemini and ketu is exalted in scorpio & sigittarius .
  6. Saturn return can give some past life karmic incidents.
  7. Only Leo and Cancer have one Ruler Sun and Moon .
  8. D9 chart shows strength of our planets , marriage life and later part of our life.
  9. Saturn matures at 36 , Moon at 24 , Sun at 21 , jupiter at 16 , rahu at 42 , mars at 28 , mercury at 32.
  10. Mahadasha and antradasha plays an important roles for giving positives and negatives in your horoscope.
  11. D9 chart also tells about out spouse.
  12. Venus rahu , mars venus and mars venus rahu makes a person very romantic and can give extra material affairs. It also makes a person lustful.
  13. Venus ketu can makes a person detached from his wife or a person who loves hermit nature.
  14. Mars in 1st , 4th , 7th , 8th and 12th cause manglik dosha.
  15. Your horoscope is like a balance sheet of your past life karmas.
  16. Jupiter ketu in 12th house makes a person highly spiritual , intuitive and can attain moksha as well.
  17. Saturn rahu combination is sharapit dosha but it can also makes a person highly successful hacker and good in IT fields.
  18. Moon and sun combination causes Amavasya dosha.
  19. Lord of 7th house in 6th , 8th and 12th house cause delays in marriage or problem in married life.
  20. Aspect of jupiter is saviour in astrology. Aspect of jupiter is always pious.
  21. Venus , moon , jupiter are natural benefics . Mars , saturn rahu , ketu , sun are natural malefics. Mercury is neutral.
  22. Sun in 1st house can cause baldness.
  23. Mars , sun , Rahu and saturn in 10th house gives good career .
  24. Lords of 9th and 5th houses are luckiest for us.
  25. 12th house , moon , rahu , ketu and jupiter related to foreign traveling.
  26. Affected 4th house can also give you a foreign traveling or person lives away from his hometown.
  27. D60 chart tells about our past life but its not easy to predict it as it changes with seconds.
  28. You can use Astrology + Tarot + Palmistry for cross check purpose. It helps in accuracy.

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2 Responses

  1. Aqua says:

    Amazing facts & thanks for sharing your precious knowledge