How would you take a website from 0 to 100,000 visitors in the shortest time?

This question is asked by many users. I’m going to answer it in a simple & straight forward way as i don’t like to make things complicated that is why i always write upto point and in a straight forward way.

15 Easiest Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic

  1. Use Catchy Title.
  2. Use Catchy Image.
  3. Do Quiz and give gift to Winner.
  4. Write an answer on Quora 🙂 perfectly and mention your website Link.
  5. Do Off Page SEO as it will generate instant traffic for sure.
  6. Write what Users Want To Read.
  7. Increase Engagement on your facebook page and groups. It will surely generate huge traffic.
  8. Do Free Services to engage more users.
  9. Spread important message through images and mention your Website Link with each image.
  10. Use Hashtags while sharing images and information on instagram, twitter and LinkedIn.
  11. This one is amazing. Create Quiz or Giveaway but create another article on your website for Results and then share those link with Quiz Post.. Users will go to your website to check answers 🙂
  12. Never forget to use On Page SEO as it will give you long term traffic 🙂 
  13. Follow Quora Spaces and share your blog/website links in a related spaces.
  14. Increase your Twitter Followers by replying on famous tweets.
  15. Engage People with your informative posts & images.

Click Here To Increase Website Traffic


Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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