What is considered to be a Bad Placement of Sukra and Mars for Married Life?

Sukra/Venus is a planet of love, married life, females, beauty, attraction, romance, wife, harmony, comforts, luxury, arts, creativity, features, acting, etc.

Mars/Mangal is a planet of sexual power, husband ( Jupiter too ), energy, aggression, arguments, fights, army, strong career, leader, etc.

When mars is in your 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house then it is considered as ‘Manglik’.

What is considered to be a Bad Placement of Sukra and Mars for Married Life?

When Venus is in your 6th house or 8th house then it is not considered to be a good placement. 6th house is 12 away from 7th house which means losses, endings and expenses that’s why Venus is not so comfortable in the 6th house. Another thing is 6th house is related to diseases, conflicts, enemies, debts, sickness, struggles, etc so venus is not at all good in venus.

Venus in the 8th house is another uncomfortable position for venus. 8th house is related to secrets, sudden gains or losses, accidents, injury, health problems, etc. And, 8th is 2nd away from 7th house which is markesh so venus in 8th house is another uncomfortable position for planet venus.

If venus is in own sign in 6th or 8th house then effects may be low.

Mars in 8th house, 7th house, 4th house unless own sign is not considered to be a good placement. Mars in the 8th house can cause injury, accidents or problems in life unless it’s in its own sign. And, it’s not good marriage longevity in the 8th house.

Mars in the 7th house can cause conflicts, arguments and aggression problems between partners. So, it’s not a welcomed position in the 7th house. However, it might good for your professional life.

Mars in 4th house can cause troubles related to your hometown, mother, mental peace and family happiness unless it is in your own sign. However, this mars is also good for your career.


All the malefic effects might be low if planets is in own sign. 🙂 Own sign planets also protect their houses.

Also Read:- Which Is the Most Important House In Astrology?

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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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