5th house is seen for many factors, then how we predict which factor is good or bad?

In astrology, every house is linked to many factors and significators. That’s why whole chart reading is necessary to predict accurate future. 5th house is related to many factors:-

  1. Love life.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Education.
  4. Hobbies & Interests.
  5. Children.
  6. Fame.
  7. Speculation.
  8. Luck.

Now, coming to the question. You have to see the karaka of that significance to see. Which significance of the 5th house will be good and which will be bad? Also, you need to check the planet placement over your 5th house and 5th house lord placement.

Hence, Check = 5th house & Lord Placement + Karaka Of Significance

For example, the 5th house is related to love life. Right? then check the 5th house, placement of the lord of 5th house. okay. then, karaka of love is Venus. so, check the placement of venus too.

5th house + 5th house lord placement + Venus = Overall Love Life In General.

Check all of them to know the overall power of your 5th & love life. It’s only for love. Now, if you want to check if your love converted into marriage then also check 7th house, 7th house lord placement too.

Example 2, 5th house is also related to children. Karaka of the child is Jupiter. Now, check 5th house, lord placement of 5th house and Jupiter to know overall whether this significator is strong or poor in your kundali.

For when? check Mahadasha & Antra dasha.

  •  Sun is the Karaka of Name and Fame.
  •  Jupiter is the Karaka of Knowledge, Children.
  • Venus is the Karaka of Love relations.
  • Rahu is Karaka of speculation. Whichever Karaka is in a difficult position the significance of the 5th house will perform Bad.

Also Read:- Career Associated With Planet Saturn

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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at help@ofcourseme.com

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