Which planet and which house denotes sexual health and quality of sexual life in astrology?

Many people asked me about sexual health and sexual life after marriage. No doubt, the 7th house is the prime house for marriage, partner and sexual life. Apart from 7th house, you need to see 8th house and 12th house too.

Sexual Health In Your Kundali/Horoscope

First of all, you should check your 1st house and its lord placement for your overall health and strength. Then, you need to see planets mars and venus for your sexual health. The 7th house, 8th and 12th house & its lord placement need to be checked for your overall sexual health.

Sexual Life In Your Kundali & Horoscope

Almost the same for sexual life too. You need to see planets mars and venus. Their placement & strength matters a lot for your sexual fulfillment. Kama Bhava- 3rd house, 7th house, and 11th house need to be checked for your sexual fulfillment. 12th house for your bed pleasures.

7th in Saptamsa (D-7) is one of the most vital places to determine the sex-life of the native. Generally Saptamsa is remembered as the chart for progenies only.

Overall Things To Be Analyse

  1. The 7th house.
  2. 3rd house, 7th house, 11th house and 12th house for sexual life & fulfillment.
  3. Planets Mars And Venus.
  4. 7th house, 8th house and 12th house for sexual health.
  5. Don’t forget to check the strength of the 1st house and its lord for overall health.
  6. Again mars and venus for sexual health too.
  7. Also, look at the 7th house of the Navmansha chart.
  8. And, the 7th house of the Saptamsa (D-7) chart.

Also Read:- Career Associated With Planet Saturn

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2 Responses

  1. Ruchit says:

    Hi Pooja

    i dont know how to treat my sexual life, since i have my VENUS+MERCURY in death house, that is 8th house.

    does that mean, i do not have any sexual pleasures for me in my life?

    Kindly Guide.

    Ruchit Radia