Do you have these special symbols & signs on your Palm? Read here

I do love research and exploring my occult knowledge. So, I also learn about palmistry. Though I’m not perfect in it, I do have a knowledge of its base. I would like to share some interesting & good signs/symbols about palm. These are just general indications because whole palm reading is necessary. Still, you will enjoy this post.

Thumb is related to Venus mount.

First finger ( Index finger ) is a Jupiter finger.

Middle finger is a Saturn finger.

Ring finger is a Sun finger.

Little finger is a Mercury finger.

Do you have these special symbols & signs on your Palm? Read here

  1. If you have a cross on your Jupiter mount ( below the area of Jupiter’s finger ) then it shows you are knowledgeable & will marry in a good family.
  2. If you have a Fish Symbol on your palm then it shows you are very lucky and earn lots of wealth.
  3. A symbol of Flag on your palm shows positive outcomes.
  4. Triangles on the mounts, palm, or on lines show Protection from God. You are safe.
  5. If you have a symbol of Swastika then it shows a divine, blessed, and spiritual person. It also shows you are very fortunate.
  6. If you have a Temple symbol on your palm then it shows a high social or professional status and potential wealth.
  7. If you have a Buddha Eye Protection symbol on your thumb then it shows you are protected from evil eyes and will be wealthy for a whole life.
  8. Bow and arrow is a symbol of protection, wealth, or fame.
  9. If you have a blemish-free fate line and strong sun line on your palm then it shows you will be a famous, wealthy, and royal personality.
  10. The symbol of an eye on your palm is a sign of intuitive ability.
  11. If you have a lotus flower symbol on your palm then it shows wealth, luck, comfort, and long-life.
  12. If you have horizontal lines on your Jupiter mount then it shows you are a very generous and sympathetic person.
  13. If you have lines below your little fingers then it shows intuitive, intelligence, and creative abilities. It also helps in business.
  14. If you have a trident in your Saturn mount ( area below your Saturn finger ) then it shows success after hard work.

Do you have any special symbol or sign on your palm? Please tell me in the comment section

Also read:- Pick One Card Freely To Know Your Future


Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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