Choose One Tarot Card To Know Your Love/Marriage Life

Generally , Tarot cards helps us to know our current as well as future possibilities. Intuition plays an important role here. It can help us in guidance and suggestions. In this article, i’m going to share quick general Tarot Cards Spread which help you to know your love or married life. You can choose anyone card among them to know your prediction.

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Choose one tarot card,
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Tarot cards spread
Love life prediction
Focus , Focus And Focus .. Choose One Card In Your Mind

So Here is the Results :-

Free Love tarot card reading
Best Tarot Cards
Marriage tarot cards
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Results Readings Below

1 ) Three Of Pentacles Tarot Card

Three of pentacles tarot card
Love tarot card
three of pentacles meaning
Love life reading
Three of Pentacles

When the three of pentacles is drawn in a love-related reading or spread, usually it does not really focus on the feelings or relationship itself but rather on what the partners can achieve together. It might represent a couple working on improving their home, or a romantic connection extending to the professional domain, like a couple working together in the same company, or even building their own company together.

Women who receive this card combination meet a love-at-first-sight soulmate on the job or fall in love quickly during a casual conversation with a new acquaintance.

2) The Magician Tarot Card

The magician tarot card for love life
The magician tarot card
Love life prediction
The Magician Tarot Card

For a single woman, the Magician often unfolds her ideal partner or soulmate. If she has just begun dating, and her new squeeze is also symbolized by the card, there seems to be a great promise that this could be “The One.” As for the quality of a relationship, the card is also symbolic of a sparkling communication and wonderful mental connection. Yes, this is indeed The Magician Tarot Card in a Love Readingif we ask particularly about intellectual compatibility. The reason is the corresponding planet for it is Mercury – the planet of communication.

Are we in a relationship, and it likely comes up as romance-related advice? It often implies one of two things. Firstly, it is truly a wise idea to spend time developing our own interests or skills. Secondly, we might benefit from relationship counseling to strengthen our communication skills.

3 ) The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers Tarot Card
The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers tarot is about love and all its trappings and everything love entails. It can mean anything in your life that has to do with passion, lovemaking, infatuation, romance, and romantic relationships.

You may be looking a new romance coming into your life, or you may be faced with making a choice between two very different situations. Either way, follow your heart.

The Lovers is not a card about romantic love only. The Lovers represents a true, soul-level partnership where the personalities or elements are in total, healthy balance. This could be in a friendship, business partnership, or any place where two vibrant forces come together.

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4) The Sun Tarot Card

The sun tarot card
sun tarot card for love life
the sun tarot card
The Sun Tarot Card

The sun is about warmth, brightness and radiance. So the sun as feelings indicates that this person feels happy and maybe even relieved. As how someone feels about you, the sun shows that this person is becoming happy because of you. If this is positive or negative depends on the context of your tarot reading. People tend to be flattered when they make someone feel happy but you need to make sure this is appropriate to the situation. In general the sun tarot card is a very happy card. This person might see you as a new beginning or new start after a turbulent period.

Depending on your situation the sun tarot card could indicate that this person had a difficult time before with emotional uncertainties and now that period is over they are really happy and feel like they are making a new start. There are ready again for the fun things in life.

In a sun period you attract greatpeople to you more easily because you feel good and so you attract other happy people.

In regard to love relationships the sun tarot card could indicate that this relationship is now in a positive period or a great period lays ahead for this couple.

5) Three Of Swords Tarot Card

three of swords tarot card meaning
three of swords love life
three of swords for future
Three Of Swords

The 3 of swords as feelings indicate heartache and heart breaks. This tarot card shows a period of painful words an thoughts in a relationship or friendship. This could be about betrayal, cheating, painful discussions or one of you being sick for example. This card shows that discussions are going to the heart of the matter.

The positive on the 3 of swords tarot card is that it is a card which is connect to the element air, which is about thoughts and communication. This mean that it is more like bad news than physical manifested happenings. Most of the bad news is happening in your mind. So it could be that you are regularly THINKING about berayal for example and that your thoughts make you hurt. It could also be that someone TOLD you something painful, still it is all mindwork which can ofcourse still be painful.

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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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