Use Switchwords Code For Wish-Fulfilment, Money & Marriage

An Englishman called James T Mangan came up with over 100 words in English called Switchwords. These words are meant to achieve things and that happens when the mind is constantly applying itself to a word.

Switchwords work like a law of attraction. By chanting & writing Switchwords, you can attract & manifest your wishes, love, wealth, money, good health, a particular job, etc. Take it as your affirmations. Just keep your intentions clear & plain while chanting or writing your Switchword code. Focus on your wish while chanting Switchwords.

In this article, I’m going to share list of some amazing switchwords which can help in wish-fulfilment, love, marriage, money, growth and good health.

List Of Switchwords

  1. To attract wealth & money, chant or write ‘808’ or ‘199621147’ 108 times daily.
  2. To attract unexpected money, chant or write ‘20710184’ 108 times daily.
  3. To attract & manifest your wish, chant or write ‘Wolf Magic Begin Now 108 times daily.
  4. To attract your partner or she/he will never leave you, chant ‘69382012’ 108 times daily.
  5. To cure & prevent cold, chant & write ‘60437396’ 108 times daily.
  6. To create a love connection between two people:-
    1. Take a white paper.
    2. Make a heart shape.
    3. Write the name of the first person.
    4. In middle, write ‘9718319575148179’.
    5. Then write the name of the second person.
  7. To attain super smooth skin, write or chant ‘7276789’ 108 times daily.
  8. To attract money in the bank, write or chant ‘319618719814’ 108 times daily.
  9. To cure or reduce Sciatica Nerve Pain, write or chant ‘898 919 710 818’ 108 times daily.
  10. To reduce cramps or pain, write or chant ‘51245424’ 108 times daily.
  11. To hope for a better life in all ways and welcome the new, chant or write ‘2539561615’ 108 times daily.
  12. To treat sexual disorders, chant or write ‘1456891’ 108 times daily.
  13. To attract quick or early marriage, chant or write ‘ Declare Venus Love Ever On Now’ 108 times daily.
  14. To manifest or attract your wishes, chant or write ‘1176′ 108 times daily.
  15. For business stability, chant or write ‘212309909’ 108 times daily.
  16. For Health healing, chant or write ‘Divine-Guard-Up-Full-Immunity-Be’ 108 times daily.

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Hi, this is Pooja. A self-driven and motivated girl desires to change society with my writing and passion for reading. “Ofcourseme” as the name depicts is all about my internal thoughts, perspective, interests, and hobbies. When you are reading my work, guess what ! you already know a part of me. You can reach me out at

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